This is us! |
The previously mentioned husband who so altruisticly helped impregenate me so that I could uncomfortably carry his love child and give birth in a massively excruciating manner (twice) is a marvelous speciman of a man, who dotes on his family and provides us with endless amusement and sometimes irritation with his quick witted sense of humour, and sarcastic banter! He rocks out on a regular basis with his increasinlgy popular band Zebedy, he fronts the band on vocals and lead guitar, and fundamentally writes all the songs, yes indeed, he's a mighty talented geezer and I'm proud of everything he has achieved. By day he's a hard working landscape gardener, and by evening he juggles his roles of loving father and crazy rock star with apparent ease. Family man and lover of music but never one for the rock and roll lifestyle, he remains almost tea total and grounds the other members of the band with his common sense, good nature and brutal honesty.
Whilst the hubby grew up in a quiet little village, I grew up in the tatty seaside town of Rhyl. The town has a terrible reputation for it's boarded up buildings inhabited by homeless druggies, and thugs at every corner, but my childhood memories were of sunny days, running around the neighbourhood with my friends, not a care in the world, and no threat from anywhere. The beautiful naivity of being a child. As I hit my teens however the true grotttyness of the town reared it's ugly head and introduced itself to me through the form of bullying, drugs, alcohol, fags..just generally nasty things really.
Luckily college saved me and we moved away to be closer to the college I was attending. When I say 'we' I refer to me and my mum; my beautiful amazing mum who was the centre of my universe for the first half of my life..until I met Jonny (the husband!) at the age of 16 and life took me off in a different direction. Me and mum have always remained very close however, and we still live just afew miles from one another. If you continue to read my blog you'll discover that my family is quite big and spread out across the country...and they're all completely batty! My family tree is full of nuts, and I love them all hugely...but cor blimey what a drama! We won't get into all that at this early stage!
So that is a brief introduction to the nuclear family that brings our detached farm house to life with a hub of activity, laughter and tears...
I've always kept a diary, right from being a little girl, I've always taken a huge delight in reading back on previous experiences and naive tales from the past, all written in my chaotic handwriting. The style of diary changed over the years, from princess to boy band themed, now to just a simple note book, but each and every one of them still invokes the same feeling of excitement when I open them to read them back. All of them are for my eyes only of course, there are countless memories and experiences that I have so openly described in gory and sometimes eye watering clarity that I may die of embarressment should anyone ever read them! But over the last couple of years since having my children I have been reading back over some of my diary entries, and feeling abit regretful that no-one but me can read what I have written, and experience second hand the exhileration, pain,bewilderment, relief, humour and wakefulness that the stories implore of the reader.
In retrospect I know that I should have begun this blog whilst pregnant with Megan, much like an 'Emma's Diary' style blog (anybody living in the UK who has recieved a bounty pack for pregnant women will know what I mean, but this can be found on the 'ol t'internet too!) so I will backtrack at certain points to tell you about certain aspects of being pregnant, the tricky business of giving birth (to put it lightly!) and the journey through early babyhood, because I truly feel that what I experienced was similar if not the same to what millions of other women have been through, but I felt so alone, and that I was the only one who had ever felt that way. Coming out the other end of it all and slowly getting a handle back onto reality and normality I now want to put out into the public domain some of my experiences, and what I think I have learnt from it all.
Being a parent is the biggest thing any one of us could ever doesn't get much tougher than this. Having children and getting through the early years has made me feel like I can now do anything...if I can handle this then surely whatever else comes will be a breeze!
I hope you enjoy my blog...
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