Saturday 13 August 2011

When sleep becomes you...

Well following 3 weeks taken over by chicken pox and infections I have been exhausted to say the least. First it was Megan who erupted into a mass of itching red bubbles that at first horrified me, until 10 seconds into my panic of thinking 'Holy Hell, what the hell kind of insect could have done this to my child over night?!' I realised it was more than likely the common virus Chicken Pox. A week of restless night's and irritable days ensued whilst Megan suffered the feverish effects of the illness. I texted all of the family to inform them of the important news, but my tired brain instructed my fingers to text everyone the news that Megan in fact had 'Chicken Pots', much to my embarressent when I later realised my error.

Ethan's 1st swimming experience!
Secondly I ended up in accident and emergency in the wee hours of the morning with Ethan, who's little willy had swollen to about 4 times it's usual size, terrifying me into a complete panic as I stood clutching my baby in one arm whilst frantically trying to call the out of hours doctor on the phone with my other hand, bewildered as to why I was just getting a funny buzzing noise on the other end, only to realsise after 10 times redialling that I was phoning a fax machine! Giving up we made a dash for the hospital which turned out to be the right move as it tuned out Ethan was very poorly indeed with an infection of the foreskin, most likely cause was the trip to the swimming baths the day before, which had been Ethan's very first swimming experience, very unlucky.

Once on the antibiotics however Ethan was soon back to his cheeky monster self, darting around the garden with his sister on his heals. Until the dreaded blistery angry red spots began appearing all over Ethan's body I'd been thinking we would finally get a half decent's night sleep...but no, the 'Chicken Pots' had other plans; 'no sleep for you mummy no no no, your job is pacing up and down the living room with a crying feverish boy until your arms go dead and your back gives way', and the 'Chicken Pots' were right too, that's just what I did, as I'm sure millions of mother's before me have done.

The lonely task of dragging yourself away from your lovely warm bed in the dark of night to soothe the crying child, as the husband snores softly on unaware of the upset elsewhere in the house. In the light of day I'm not resentful at all of my husband's ability to sleep through the chaos of wakeful children and stressed out mummy in the middle of the night, it's a good job he can really so that he's rested for his work throughtout the day. But in the midst of the morbid heart aching night's of soothing poorly babies all I feel like doing is waking the bugger up and telling him to take the pressure off.

It requires great will power not to wake the husband and to deal with the night time chaos on my own, especially over the last few weeks. But the feeling at the end of it all is worth it. Rewarding. You don't get a medal for doing this job, god you don't even get a pat on the back, you're never employee of the month, you don't get a pay rise, well you don't get paid! But what you do get is complete dependency  from your children, hmm wait there, I suppose I was meant to say something good there! But really and truly it is a good thing. To know that your baby wants you and only you, and only the warmth of you as you hold them in your arms can soothe them back to peace, and make them smile, that's the biggest ego boost in all the world. To be loved so unconditionally and completely, that's enough payment for me...

The 'Chicken Pots' Children

But from time to time even the toughest and most enduring mum needs some kip in order to keep going! And I'm pleased to tell you all that in the last 24 hours I got 11 hours sleep (in 2 doses) and it feels like christmas! Hence me finally having the energy to begin my blog. I think sleep deprivation is possibly the worst part of having babies. Out of all of the challenges faced by new parents, surely lack of sleep tops them all, and makes all of the other challenges 10 times harder. It is afterall used as a method of torture by the japanese. Sufferer's experience hallucinations, paranoi, disorientation...all fun symptoms to be having whilst caring for small children, keeping a nice tidy home and ensuring the husband's happy with his lot!

Ah blessed sleep, and on that note, I'm off to bed. Night all...

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